
The main goal of the project is to improve (or maintain Favorable) Conservation Status of wolf populations that persist/are expanding into human-dominated landscapes of Europe. The objective of the LIFE WILD WOLF project is to improve conditions for land sharing between wolves and people in urban and peri-urban areas, without losing the ecological roles and cultural identity of wild wolves and local communities. This will be achieved through adequate management of critical situations where wolves show high tolerance for humans, triggering reactions of fear and negative attitude that will hamper its long-term conservation and coexistence with humans at EU level. Wolf presence close to settlements increases the possibility of interaction with dogs. This could result in predation on dogs or crossbreeding, both of them representing a threat to long term conservation of wolves, as the former increases hostility of local communities towards wolf presence, and the latter represents a threat to the conservation of the evolution-based resulting genetic pool of wild wolves.

The LIFE WILD WOLF specific objectives are:

Increased capacity to manage wolves and human behavior in critically perceived situations in peri-urban areas






Decreased wolf habituation to anthropogenic sources of food and loss of its ecological role, through decreased presence of attractants for wolves in peri-urban areas, including accessible livestock.

Increased understanding of wolf behavior by local people and participatory data collection.

Improved understanding of the link between hybridization and habituation/boldness

Improved estimates of illegal killing and mitigation of root causes.